
Tuesday 31 March 2015

My tramping gear: ACR Res Q Link 365 Personal Locator Beacon

My Personal Locator Beacon

I usually carry a Personal Locator Beacon or PLB with me when I'm out tramping. Up to now I have been hiring one for each trip but I have finally managed to save enough shekels to buy my own.

My ACR 365 Locator Beacon

I brought myself a ACR ResQLink PLB so that I will always have one with me when I'm out tramping. In basic terms, PLB use a satellite network to send a distress message to your local Police force who then coordinate any Search and Rescue operations.

ACR ResQLink 365 PLB

 These are the same used by the Southland PLB Charity and are one of the brands recommended by New Zealand Search and Rescue (SAR). The cost was $550 from the Hunting and Fishing store here in Christchurch, this was $50 cheaper than any other domestic supplier.
That's one of the reasons everyone doesn't own one, they are bloody expensive!

Instructions for use on the back of the ResQLink PLB

I think most people recognize the usefulness of carrying a PLB, especially if like me you do a lot of solo tramping. Although it is not a "get out of jail free card" it does give you a small measure of added safety in the outdoors.

Update: September 2021

I replaced this beacon with a later model in September 2021 as the battery in my old unit has expired. My new beacon is another ACR ResQLink this time a model 425 with a digital screen. 

My new model 425 ACR ResQLink beacon...

Hopefully I never have to use it as I never had to set off my old beacon in the six years I had it. 

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