
Monday 19 December 2016

Plans for the 2016/17 tramping season

That time of year again, planning for my summer tramping excursions.

Tramping planning for Summer 2016/2017

I have a large list of possible tramping locations pinned to the wall next to my desk at work, I like to peruse it when I need some "down" time. I have some exciting locations planned for tramping trips over the next couple of months.

This year is about getting stuff done!

Day Tramps

View from Mt Grey, October 2016


  • Avalanche Peak via Scotts track, Arthurs Pass NP (Not this year, weather not playing nice) 
  • Hope Halfway Hut visit (Completed October 2016 )
  • Woolshed Hill, Arthurs Pass NP 
  • Up the Taipo River to Dillons Hut and Dillons Homestead, Arthur's Pass NP,  hut bagin'
  • Mt Grey Track, Canterbury foothills (completed November 2016)
  • St Arnaud Range Track (completed in late November 2016)
  • Speargrass Track to Speargrass hut (completed late November 2016)
Speargrass Slip, November 2016

Overnight Tramps

  • Lake Rotoiti Circuit, Travers Valley, I'm doing a recce of Nelson Lakes NP as I'm planning to walk the Travers-Sabine Circuit in April 2017. I have tramped in the area before but only a really long time ago. (Completed November 2016)

View from Coldwater Hut jetty
  • Lucretia Biv route, Lewis Pass SR,
  • Sudden Valley, Arthur's Pass NP,  This route is reliant on dry conditions to be viable as you have to cross Sudden Valley Stream a number of times.
  • Nina Hut, Lewis Pass Scenic Reserve (Completed December 2016)
  • Wharfedale Track, Lees Valley to Whafedale Hut, Mt Oxford FP. I have previously walked the other end of this track back in 2013, so I'm connecting the dots really. (May 2017 if possible)
  • The Travers-Sabine Circuit, Nelson Lakes NP. (5-6 Days) (Partially- I went up the Travers Valley to Cupola Hut and out in April)
  • The Abel Tasman Coastal Track, 3-4 Days, June 2017??? (Planned to walk this in September 2016 but bad weather caused a cancellation of my plans 2 weeks out...I'm keen as mustard to do it....)
Jon in the Nina Valley, December 2016

The Te Araroa Trail

I'm section hiking the Te Araroa Trail over the next couple of years so one of my main  foci's will always be tramping sections of the tracks.

Over Summer I hope to complete:

  • Harper Pass Track, SH73 to Lewis Pass, Otira River ford to Windy Point, NOBO, (4-6 Days)
  • Richmond to Anakiwa via the Pelorous River Track, NOBO, (4-5 days) (March 2017)
  • Migha-Deception track, SH73 to Bealey River,  SOBO (2-3 Days) (if time allows in 2017)

After walking the Queen Charlotte Track in February 2016 I have completed 300 km's or 10% of the Te Araroa Trail.

On the QCT February 2016

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