
Thursday 27 October 2022

Niagara Falls, Waikawa, South Catlin's: 4th October 2022

 ...At (not the) Niagrara Falls...

It was raining when we woke on the second to last day of our campervan trip and it did not bode well for any additional walks as we headed north for Moeraki. We went down to the campground kitchen block and cooked a hot breakfast and then loaded our gear in the van and set out for the day. 

Saddling up to begin the trip back north...

We decided to stop and have a look at the Niagara Falls close to the settlement of Waikawa. This is obviously not the famous Niagara Falls but rather someone's idea of a witty joke as they were little more than a cataract in the Waikawa River. 

Start of the short track to Niagara Falls, Waikawa

The rock weir that is Niagara Falls, Waikawa

So let's have a look at the (not) the Niagara Falls...

Heading to Niagara Falls ( styles...):

Niagara Falls is off a side road on the western edge of the small settlement of Waikawa down in Southland. From the main Waikawa Road you turn onto Gourley Road, cross a bridge and you will find the track close to the bridge.

Nice sign...Niagara Falls, Waikawa

It is a very short track being less than 50 meters long and it takes you along the bank of the Waikawa River to a view of the cataract in the bed of the Waikawa River. The track is along the north bank of the Waikawa River and is clearly marked with an information panel and a sign. 

The track to Niagara Falls is less than 40 meters!

You can see the cataract/falls almost immediately and the track continues to a spot where you have a closer view of the falls and a steep muddy track down to the side of the river. 

Niagara Falls on the Waikawa River

The Niagara Falls are a series of cataracts over and around some huge boulders in the bed of the Waikawa River. Some of the rocks here were the size of  a small truck and they constrict the flow of the water into a couple of narrow channels. 

These are the Niagara Falls at Waikawa

It had been raining overnight so the river was actually full of water but it looked to me like you can get out onto the largest of the boulders when the river flow is light. There are a couple of railway rails laid from the north bank to the first large boulder and I imagine they are there so you can venture into the river.

I could not find much information online so that is about all I know...

Rocks constrict the river at the Niagara Falls, Waikawa

While the Falls are not spectacular they are still pretty and as you are driving by anyway you might as well visit them. I don't know that I would deliberately make a side trip to see them though.

And that...dear reader was the end of our holiday down in the Catlin's...we had planned to walk to the MacLean Falls but it was raining heavily when we got there. Neither of us fancied walking in heavy rain for 40+ minutes so we just flagged it. 

Farewell to the Catlin's and Niagara Falls, Waikawa

From Waikawa we were heading north for Balclutha, Dunedin and then Moeraki where we were staying for one night.. We have already talked about a possible return trip to the Catlins perhaps as we head further south to visit Bluff, Rakuira or the Humpridge Track. 

Access: Niagara Falls  is off the Southern Scenic Route in the southern part of the Catlins. Look for the side road at the western edge of Waikawa with markings for Niagara Falls and Gourley Road. The falls track are is the north side of the Waikawa River.
Miscellaneous:  There is limited parking at the side of the road near the falls. Care is required at the Waikawa River as it is deep close to the Falls. 

YouTube: Niagara Falls (Waikawa)

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