Sunday, 25 June 2017

Ongoing upgrade of older posts on this blog

Improving the 'voice' of this blog...

I'm currently undertaking an overhaul of some of the older posts on my blog. When I first started out writing this blog I had no clear format, no 'voice' so my posts could be a bit shambolic at times. I have developed a set format now and wanted to apply this to some of the older posts.

Updated post: I added maps, new headings and extra photos with captions

What I have been adding is supporting information such as:
  •  new/better maps, 
  • better photo descriptive text,
  • Some new pages with details of my gear, huts I've visited and a trampers glossary
  • better hash-tags, better headings,
  • track and hut information, and
  • any additional information that has occurred to me since writing the post.

Track and hut information added to post.

Hopefully this will allow easier access to my content,  make the site more user friendly and clear up some of the conflicting/missing information I originally added.

This task is now finished: August 2017
